Online scheduling

Before continuing to the patient portal please read our insurance policies

Or call to schedule an appointment

Patient Portal Access

 When you click on the link please create or sign into your account to schedule an appointment!

To Schedule an Appointment click here

What to Expect

Scheduling/New Patient Forms

Before coming into the office, we ask that you fill out the new patient forms online. The more information you provide first, the less questions and time we spend reviewing over your family history. Or fill out paperwork when you arrive in office and we can talk through  your history.

What to Expect

New Patient Exam

We expect your initial visit to be about an hour long. We will start with reviewing over your medical history provided from the new patient forms, followed by range of motions, orthopedic tests, and postural evaluations. Laboratory work or imaging (x-ray’s) may be ordered or reviewed after patient history. During the initial visit we would like you to voice your concerns and any health related issues, so that we can figure out the best treatment options that are available to you. Once all the exams are done, we move on to the chiropractic adjustment.

What to Expect

Chiropractic Adjustment

Adjustments are patient specific, and we account for patient preference when available for certain adjustments. Our philosophy and goal is to have the patients coming into the office less, and spending more time doing the things they love. We do this by providing a care plan that is patient based to help get them to moving and feeling better!

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