We offer food sensitivity testing from KBMO diagnostics

Measures sensitivity to up to 176 different foods, coloring, and additives using the food inflammation test, also known as the FIT test.

FIT 22

Gluten, Candida, Corn, Almonds, Whole Wheat ,Brewers Yeast,  Chicken ,Pineapple, Egg ,White, Banana, Peanut, Salmon, Egg Yolk, Beef ,Tomato, Shrimp, Cows ,Milk, Broccoli, White, Potato, Turmeric, Casein, and Coffee

Measures 22 different foods/additives

FIT 132

Gluten, Candida, Corn, Almonds, Whole Wheat ,Brewers Yeast, Chicken ,Pineapple, Egg ,White, Banana, Peanut, Salmon, Egg Yolk, Beef ,Tomato, Shrimp, Cows ,Milk, Broccoli, White, Potato, Turmeric, Casein, Coffee and more

Measures 132 different foods, colorings, and additives

FIT 176

Gluten, Candida, Corn, Almonds, Whole Wheat ,Brewers Yeast, Chicken ,Pineapple, Egg ,White, Banana, Peanut, Salmon, Egg Yolk, Beef ,Tomato, Shrimp, Cows ,Milk, Broccoli, White, Potato, Turmeric, Casein,  Coffee and much, much more

Measures 176 different foods, colorings, and additives

For more information about food sensitivities visit

KBMO Diagnostic

Foods tested depending upon which test is requested

The FIT 22 test does not come with the mobile phone app or meal plan, the fit 132 and 176 do.

Food sensitivity testing are collected with a blood sample and mailed away.