Welcome to Accelerated Healing

Healing from within

Backed by research, lasers have been proven helpful in almost every tissue of the body including muscle, bone, brain, cartilage and ligaments. Lasers have helped decrease pain, inflammation, and scar tissue formation; while also increasing blood flow, stimulating nerve function/growth, stimulating new blood flow, increasing recovery time (from most injuries), and stimulate anti oxidant pathways. Lasers have also been shown to be safer and more effective than many drugs and surgeries. Patients have found that cold laser therapy decreases their healing time and severity of injury.

Questions upon Cold Laser therapy (low level light therapy)

What is Cold Laser?

Is a therapy that uses low-level lasers to alter cellular function using non-thermal photons of light to penetrate the skin at a specific wavelength. The photons are then absorbed and start interacting with light sensitive elements in the cell (mitochondria)that help reduce inflammation, increase intracellular metabolism (healing time), and normalization of damaged or injured tissues. This process can be compared to plant photosynthesis, in which sunlight is absorbed by plants and converted to energy for plants to grow.

Is Cold laser therapy safe?

Low level light therapy has been proven to be extremely safe and has no known side effects when used properly. All lasers used at Accelerated Healing are designed, developed, and manufactured in accordance to FDA regulations. During treatment, patients don’t feel the laser, other than some individuals reporting a (good) tingling sensation during and after treatment. Cold laser shouldn’t be applied to pregnant individuals or individuals with malignant cancer. It can take a series of sessions to produce results; which is why we offer a rental program.

Conditions laser treatment can help with?

Headaches/migraines, acute & Chronic pain conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain (rotator cuff conditions), herniated/degenerated discs, sciatica, arthritis/stiff joints and pain, low back pain, plantar fasciitis, periodontal diseases, neck pain, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sprains/strains, increased circulation, promoted natural healing, breaks up scar tissue, and preventing dementia, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases.

How many treatments?

In general, 4-12 treatments are usually necessary to begin the healing process, although many people have experienced improvements after just 1 treatment! How can 1 treatment help you? It helps by improving cell proliferation, protein synthesis, and increases blood flow. One treatment can last many weeks. However, like many therapies, laser requires numerous treatments to effectively resolve any pain or problem.

What about the Rental Program?

Here at Accelerated Healing, we have the option for patients to rent out lasers from our establishment. In order to do that;  the patient will sign the lease terms for the laser equipment.

We have a late day policy in which for every added day the patient keeps the laser, they pay an extra $100.

For Rates on Renting click rates!


Laser has Helped Pets Recover Faster