Chiropractic Care

Improving Health and Wellness Has Never Been Easier

We are excited that you are considering chiropractic care with us! Whenever the body endures an injury or trauma, the body or spine can become misaligned causing the nervous system to fire irregularly. At Absolute Zero Chiropractic, we believe the body is a phenomenal instrument that can heal itself. When the body is given the proper tools (massage, laser, e-stim, etc.) and care (exercise, diet, chiropractic), it finds a way to heal itself without the need for drugs or surgery. 

The spine is an essential component of our bodies; housing the spinal cord, spinal roots, and spinal nerves. Any minor dysfunctions in this area could eventually lead to major problems. Most of these issues may be silent for years without any indication to pain or stress. However, if left unchecked, it can lead to degeneration, structural problems. and neurological problems leading to movement dysfunction. No one is immune to back pain/structural issues. Especially with the amount of stress and pressure that we put on our spines: poor nutrition, injuries, poor posture/ergonomics, and mental/physical stressors.

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment, used in assisting our bodies return to homeostasis (the condition of optimal functioning). Chiropractic serves are also used as a complimentary form of care for those who are going through physical therapy and pre/post surgeries. There is a common misconception that chiropractic can only treat neck and back pain. However, there is a variety of other problems or conditions that chiropractors can treat.

What can Chiropractic treat?


Headaches are a common medical condition that ranges from mild to debilitating.

Sleep Disorders

Everyone from birth often suffer from sleeping difficulties. Numerous times, misalignment of the spine causes disruption in sleep (snoring, improper breathing, or other problems)

Facial Pain (tooth, jaw, ear)

Facial pain can also cause certain upper neck conditions (trigeminal neuralgia, vertigo, ear pain, and meniere’s disease).


Sciatica can be a pain that radiates from your lower back into the legs. We can assist the patients by correcting the misalignment that is relating to the source of pain.

Injury from Work or Exercise

While working, workout out, or exercising, you may accidentally cause an unintentional injury. While movement and exercise is typically healthy, these injuries are not. Chiropractic can be used as a preventative or corrective measure for muscle or tissue strain.

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder relies heavily on the spine to function properly due to the complex nerve root systems originating from the spine. Some nerves can be agitated causing tingling, numbness, and weakness. Chiropractic care helps find and correct the source of the problem in an effective way.

Neck and Back pain

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How Chiropractic Care Can Help You